Chennai City Traffic Police has Facebook Page

Chennai City Traffic Police (CCTP) has opened a facebook account. If you found any traffic violations, just take a photo using your mobile and upload to their  facebook page.

The following pictures shows how to post photo and complaint to the facebook page of chennai city traffic police.

These photos also suggests us what things we  should NOT do. Because many  of us not aware these are legally a violation.

Step by step method showing how to post a photo and message to facebook.
To goto the site click this link :

See it in real how the wrong-doers are getting punished. A case was registered under dangerous driving and Rs.1050 was fined,by chennai city traffic police on the complaint through facebook

This image is from the facebook page of chennai city traffic police showing the permit violation. The owner of the car was fined based on the photo uploaded in facebook.

Even police are spared for violation of not wearing helmet.
Hats-off to Chennai traffic police.

A shop owner was warned by chennai police for keeping gas cylinders like this. Photo on the right side was taken by police
after removal of the cylinders

Without going to Facebook, you can book complaint in the web site of cheenai traffic police. The above form  is the complaint page in the site: